Allied Health Professions are a distinct group of health professionals who apply their expertise to prevent disease transmission, diagnose, treat and rehabilitate people of all ages and all specialties. Together with a range of technical and support staff, they may deliver direct patient care, rehabilitation, treatment, diagnostics, and health improvement interventions to restore and maintain optimal physical, sensory, psychological, cognitive, and social functions. Allied health Sciences deal with all kinds of diagnostic techniques which are being used in the medical sector (e.g. blood analysis, histopathology, pathological analysis, radiography) and are very crucial for the treatment of the patients. With diagnosis depending on technology, the role of allied health staff has become vital for delivering successful treatment. The allied health professionals include all the paramedical technicians and supervisors in Medical Laboratory (Microbiology, Pathology, Biochemistry, blood bank, etc.), Operation theatre, Neuro-Physiology labs, Radio-imaging, nutrition, optical laboratories. These people are actively involved in the proper analysis and diagnosis of the diseases so that the physicians can correlate the symptoms with the diagnosis and they can treat the patient accurately.